Change of plans…

Hmm… it looks like our moving plans have been put on hold indefinitely. Other things taking precedence.

But, that means I don’t have to pack up the rest of my workshop, at least not now, and I can unpack some of what I’ve packed up. Plus I’ve been doing some more casting lately, so I’ve got quite a collection of blocks I can use to make stuff.

Now it’s just a matter of making stuff. Plus buying a couple more molds from Hirst…

Sigh… life is happening…

So, I’ve really been ignoring this blog for the past month. No excuse, just too much else going on in my life lately.

Now we are getting serious about moving, which means I have to clean up all the junk I have laying around and turn my workroom/office into a pseudo fourth bedroom so we can sell the house.

That means I am packing up the vast majority of my miniatures, terrain, tools and other stuff and probably won’t get it back out again until we either sell the house and move, or give up and just go back to the way things were.

In the meantime I will try to keep some activity going on the blog, but I don’t think we’ll be seeing much terrain or miniature work for a while.